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Punishment for not praying and the blessings of prayer.


 Dear Islamic Brothers:

Alhamdulillah, we are Muslims and every action of a Muslim should be for the pleasure of Allah Almighty and His Beloved (peace be upon him).

But unfortunately, the majority of us today are straying from the path of righteousness.

Maybe that's why we have such problems.Someone is sick, someone is in debt, someone is suffering from domestic problems,

someone is poor and unemployed, someone is in need of children, someone is disgusted with children, so everyone is in trouble in the same way.

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an

Translated by Kunzalayman :"And the misfortune that befell you is because of what your hands have earned, and He forgives much

Dear Islamic brothers, the solution to every problem in this world and in the hereafter is to engage in the deeds of Allah Almighty and His Beloved (peace be upon him).

Hazrat Syedna Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) says that whoever engages in the deeds of Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty engages in his deeds.

The blessings of prayer

The first duty for Muslims is prayer, but alas, nowadays our mosques are deserted. Of course, prayer is a pillar of religion.

Prayer is the cause of the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Prayer brings mercy, prayer forgives sins, prayer protects from diseases, prayer is the cause of acceptance of prayers.

Prayer is a blessing in provision, prayer is the trace of the dark grave, prayer protects from the torment of the grave, prayer is heaven The key is, the prayer bridge is easy to straighten.

Prayer saves from the torment of Hell. Prayer is the coolness of the eyes of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

The intercessor of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) will be blessed.

And the greatest blessing for the worshiper is that he will have the vision of Allah Almighty on the Day of Resurrection.
Terrible end of non-prayer Allah Almighty is angry with non-prayer. The name of one who deliberately misses a prayer is written on the gates of Hell.

The grave will press the one who slackens in prayers in such a way that his ribs will be broken and joined together.

And fire will be kindled in his grave. And a terrible bald snake will be imposed on him. Also, it will be taken into account strictly.

The Qur'an mentions those who make up missed prayers

Translated by Kunzalayman:

"So woe to the worshipers who have forgotten their prayers".( کنزالایمان)

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